About Me

My name is Christin, I’m 29, and live in Seattle. I am a wife, dancer, owner of two adorable cats, and I have Lyme disease. Some things I enjoy are sleeping in, delicious gluten free whole foods, listening to music, getting cozy on the couch with candles, watching movies with my husband, and red wine.

2010 I graduated Magna Cum Laude with a BFA in Dance from Cornish College of the Arts. I am a performer at heart, but choreography and teaching continue to intrigue me. One day I hope to expand my knowledge as an artist and health enthusiast academically, but I continually find myself learning everyday through exploration, curiosity, and research.

I have always had an interest in food. Honestly, I love the feeling of being full, sharing a dinner with a loved one, and the adventure of creating something new. I consider myself a new cook and explorer as I do not have any professional experience. But through my knowledge of being a dancer and now someone who is consistently changing/battling/evolving their diet, I feel like I have a lot to share. Much credit goes to all the thoughts & recipes on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, and the Internet, as well. 

I consider this blog my outlet, my way of sharing my story, my experiences, recipes, ideas and inspirations. I hope to have some fun and give you all something to walk away with, all while creating awareness of this crazy disease called Lyme.


The information in this website is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered professional advice. It’s based upon personal experiences through years of health issues and a handful of doctors.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Karen says:

    I just moved to WA and am lookingfora lyme doc. Can you recommend yours? Thanks, Karen


    1. Hi! I go to Evergreen Center for Integrative medicine and see Dr. Hartz. They take insurance, offer IV therapy, HBOT, supplements, etc and lots of support. It’s a great community. If you have any other questions about treatment, tests, etc let me know. Hang in there!


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